1. Create tierprice.csv in which there are Colums like sku,price_General_2 (here genereal is customergroup
& 2 is qty),price_General_5,price_Wholesale_2 having value
2.Create a custom module for import tierprice csv
create file in app/etc /modules /Plumtree_Tierprice.xml in it:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
3.Create modules Config.xml .App/code/local/Plumtree/Tierprice/etc/config.xml in it:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
4. now create model file in app/code/local/Plumtree/Tierprice/Catalog/Model/Convert/Adapter/Product.php in
class Plumtree_Tierprice_Catalog_Model_Convert_Adapter_Product extends
private $_group_list = null;
private $_tier_price_fields = null;
public function load() {
// load the group list
$this->_group_list = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/group_collection')-
// call the parent load
return parent::load();
public function saveRow(array $importData)
// doing normal import...
if (!is_array($this->_group_list)) {
$this->_group_list = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/group_collection')-
// is there a tier price field? (check this only the first time)
if (!is_array($this->_tier_price_fields)) {
$this->_tier_price_fields = array();
foreach ($importData as $k=>$v) {
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^price\_([^_]+)\_?([0-9]+)?$/', $k, $matches)) {
// found a valid field. Check the group name and quantity
$foundvalid = false;
foreach ($this->_group_list as $group) {
if (strtolower($group['label']) == strtolower($matches[1])) {
$foundvalid = true;
if (isset($matches[2])) $q = (int)$matches[2]; else $q = 1;
$this->_tier_price_fields[$k] = array('id_group'=>$group
['value'], 'quantity'=>$q);
if (!$foundvalid) {
// group not found!
// can't call exceptions here?
//$message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Customer group "%s" for
tier price not found', $matches[1]);
// Mage::throwException($message,
} /* end if */
if (!count($this->_tier_price_fields)) return true; // no tier prices found
// fetch the store object
if (empty($importData['store'])) {
if (!is_null($this->getBatchParams('store'))) {
$store = $this->getStoreById($this->getBatchParams('store'));
} else {
// can't call exceptions here?
//$message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skip import row, required field
"%s" not defined', 'store');
} else {
$store = $this->getStoreByCode($importData['store']);
// create the product object
$product = $this->getProductModel()->reset();
$productId = $product->getIdBySku($importData['sku']);
$storeId = $store->getId();
if ($productId) {
$tierPrices = $product->tier_price;
foreach ($this->_tier_price_fields as $tier_key=>$imported_tier_price) {
// should i update an existing tier price?
foreach ($tierPrices as $ktp=>$tp) {
if ($tp['website_id'] != $storeId) continue;
if ($tp['cust_group'] != $imported_tier_price['id_group'])
if ($tp['all_groups'] != 0) continue;
if ($tp['price_qty'] != $imported_tier_price['quantity'])
// it matches this existing tier price. I remove it
// now i add the imported tier_price
if ($importData[$tier_key]) {
$tierPrices[] = array(
'website_id' => $storeId,
'cust_group' => $imported_tier_price['id_group'],
'all_groups' => 0,
'price_qty' => number_format
($imported_tier_price['quantity'], 4, '.', ''),
'price' => number_format($importData
[$tier_key], 4, '.','')
$product->tier_price = $tierPrices;
// Save you product with all tier prices
return true;
that's it. now Import csv through data flow Advanced profile.